You are an eternal being no matter what anyone, anything or any message in the world tells you. According to the God of all creation, we were made in God’s image to have fellowship with our Creator. Unfortunately, there is a law that is in place since the Garden of Eden. This law, and it being broken is seen in us, our children – and for illustrative purposes, the question that needs to be asked is: Have you ever lied? Have you ever stolen? Have you ever taken God’s name in vain? Have you ever looked at someone with lust? Have you ever been angry?
The answer is very clear that on the questions above, Romans 3:23 declares that “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
When we stand in the court of the Almighty, we all get paid wages. Our work here, how the time is handled, we will be paid wages, but the wage of sin according to Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, the first half of the verse.
Standing in the Court of the Almighty our wage is justly death – and this is not the mere earthly death – but the death that includes torment and eternal separation. The Good News is that in the court of the Almighty, God provided a way, when there seemed to be no way to get out of this situation. Repent and Believe the Gospel – put the your trust in Jesus Christ, who died so that you would be able to come to God, and repent to let God lead your life forever.
This is where the second half of the verse of Romans 6:23 but the gift of God is eternal life in[a] Christ Jesus our Lord. – because it is not only a gift of eternal life, but of purpose and hope.
The Gospel is the only message that will last through all eternity and it is the only one true cure of restoration of the person to God. All authority in heaven and earth falls under this, demons, addictions, principalities, lies of the world all fall under this because they are judged, and all the things that are obstacles to God’s grace are meant to be seen and overcome.
Do not harden your hearts as those in the desert today – come to the Lord, repent, allow movement to happen in your life to distance from the things that are destroying, and run to Jesus – the Holy Scripture – pray for the Power of the Holy Spirit so that your cup would be full of Grace and Truth – so you many live, and your family may live, and all the plans of the devil would be broken.