Commonwealth Citizens representing you with the work ethic, grit and determination to restore the Commonwealth 

Good Governance, Constitutional Republic, Religious Freedom, proven principles and methods for all. 

A Petition is Accessible for Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen to Have a Referendum to Move Away from Electronic Voting Systems - Click Referendum Above. 

Elections for 2025 are Judges, State Senate, State House, Mayor, Council, Judge of Elections - get involved - help us improve the process so long waits are reduced, corruption is rooted out, and tax dollars are directed toward helping the community we live in.


PA Republican is here to provide the information that should be available for party members in the Commonwealth. Everyday Commonwealth Citizens are impacted by bad policies, and inefficient use of resources that do not complete their intended objectives. The plan is to vote in capable competent officials, and empower the people to actually be involved in the solutions of your local precinct, city, state and the Republic as a whole.


Education is a process of learning, by parents and families, schools, both public and private, and all means of skills development essential to grow a competitive future. Equipping the young today, will provide a better framework and confidence level for our future of this Commonwealth and Republic.


Technology has both a positive and negative effect, best practices are intended to align the best for educating, disciplining and growing a future that promotes confidence in our nation and Commonwealth, but also address the problems that arise with a free for all access to everything without the guidance of a community understanding of the responsibility required.

Libertatem colendi DEUM

PA Republican – Republicans need a resource in Pennsylvania to protect and insure good governance is maintained

5 Core principles of good governance require: accountability; leadership; integrity; stewardship; and transparency. These are needed for our Commonwealth and for the Nation to survive.

A few things we’re great at

Fact based – not emotionally unstable – follow the rule of law, and principle based for the last 165 years, to put common sense built on God’s Word and the rule of law into effect for the mutual benefit of all – the secular society benefits from this, but a secular society’s implementation is the death of all. The moral law, derived from God is the best foundation, since all ideologies outside of the love of God and people only incur endless corruption and destruction all around.

Best Economic Policies for All

Economic policies are more thought out than printing money, devaluing the dollar, and raising inflation. Fiscal accountability means that the policies need to help build the community and Commonwealth as a whole – including commerce so all can benefit.

Judicially Conservative

Judicial perspective is conservative for the interpretation of the laws, and fairness based on facts, and not on emotions. Not pushing the scales ofjustice to either side, since the balance of Justice is needed for the law of the land, criminals to be punished, illegal immigrants violating law to be deported.


Education is one of the key foundations for the Commonwealth to succeed and compete globally. Policies that focus on STEM, and allow for the development of both public and private means need to address the facts, and remove the propaganda that does little to develop the minds of people.

Right to Bear Arms

The right to bear arms is not to be infringed and in the place of modern repressive means, and to counter crime, the defense of families and communities point to this truth that we are in need to be able to defend our selves from oppressive regimes, including propaganda that is pushed beyond the individual freedoms of individuals because they are insecure.


Constitutional Republic – Smaller Government – Joint Solutions for Maximum Effect

The argument of pouring money onto a gas fire, printing paper is not the most effective means to represent the people. The people are best served by a joint operation of both government with basic services, and people working together to solve problems. Good governance requires that transparency and fair audits insure a clean process, and a well thought out solution that works with a synergy for the betterment of all.


Local Precincts where you live matter and your involvement is critical for the process. There are those that break the law in these precincts and counties that must be held under the law for their pompous disregard for election integrity.


Community helps to facilitate and address issues that are causing problems – issues are not emotional,but based on fact with repercussions to live and safety


Preparing the future, and educating to compete in the global economy requires cutting the fat and providing solutions that work. As government and policy needs to change, the principles stay the same, but methods are to be updated for maximum effect.


Addiction and Mental Illness impact communities, crime and drugs impact the community, and these need to be addressed. Breaking the law needs to upheld, and means for rehab require a combination of support.

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A true Republican does not manipulate and use the playbook of Democrats that have been riddled with corruption, but we allow Republicans to come to their own conclusions by providing the information essential to make the best choice and get the best qualified candidates in to represent. In truth, having non-political people in the bureacracy to serve is an imperative, but the reality is that this means centralistic – close to Conservative is the best recruitment area to find the best qualified from Councils, School Boards, and effective officials that don’t stir up crowds, but deliver results.

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Latest News

Resources are meant to open and develop the essentials that are needed if our party members wish to run, get more involved, or get educated on the issues, as well as be part of the solutions to the problems that are plaguing our Commonwealth – 67 Counties have different demographics, but education, drugs, crime, employment, are a few of the large ones we can ask God to help us, and the common sense that God has given us to address them for the benefit of all. To say anything otherwise is the tossing of an ego – when we know problems are solved in community.

Primary Attack Vectors Elections 2024

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Chalfont GA 2024

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Loss of US Military Secrets

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An educated voter is a dangerous voter. Learn from what was done in the Cultural Revolution and Stalin’s Soviet Union – the same precursors written in books, including 1984, show us we need to wake up and vote in the best – and not live in fear anymore.

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